Israel-Hamas War Update: Israeli death toll from Hamas attacks rises to 600

Israel-Hamas War Update: Israeli death toll from Hamas attacks rises to 600

Israeli death toll from Hamas attacks rises to 600, as fighting continues in south of country and Gaza, Gaza The UN aid agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, said that thousands of people were staying in its 44 schools around Gaza and food distribution for more than 112,000 families had to be stopped.

Germany to review aid to Palestinians

After the Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel on Sunday, the German government declared that it was reevaluating its hundreds of millions of euros in funding for the Palestinians.

Svenja Schulze, the minister of development, claimed that the government has always taken care to ensure that the funds were exclusively utilized for peaceful purposes. But she said that these assaults on Israel “mark a terrible fracture.” “We will now evaluate the entirety of our commitment to the Palestinian territories.”

The minister for German chancellor Olaf Scholz’s center-left cabinet said Germany will work with foreign partners and talk with Israel about how development projects in the region may be best served.

Some German legislators, particularly those from the opposition conservative party, demanded a stop to the aid.

“All of Europe, all 27 states, must now say: we need a new start and we will no longer finance terrorists,” said Armin Laschet, the conservatives’ candidate for chancellor at the last federal election, calling for an end to EU cooperation with the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, who is based in the West Bank.

Gregor Gysi, a prominent member of the opposition Left party, argued against such a move, saying Hamas and not all Palestinians, were responsible for the hamas attack.

Also Read Israel Hostages in Today’s Conflict 

Israel Hostages under Hamas Attack Control

Up to 100 Israeli hostages, including girls and kids, may additionally had been taken into Gaza by means of Hamas, hugely complicating any Israeli army operation to free them.

Amid surprising photographs of terrified Israeli squaddies and civilians – some bloodied, others hooded and with their fingers tied – being marched away with the aid of Hamas militants, the whereabouts and destiny of the captives has come to be one of the most pressing troubles for military planners.

While a spokesperson for the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), Lt Col Jonathan Conricus, has said most effective that a “full-size number” of Israeli civilians and squaddies are being held hostage, that range is assumed to be inside the dozens, with some Israeli news stores speculating that as much as one hundred Israelis had been taken hostage.

Israel Exchanged  Fire with Hamas

Israel and Hamas engaged in gunfireA day after an extraordinary surprise Hamas attack on southern Israel by Hamas that left at least 250 Israelis dead, Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged gunfire, raising the risk of a widespread regional battle.

Following the massive Hamas offensive that took Israel off guards, Israeli bombardments of the besieged Gaza territory have resulted in the deaths of more than 300 Palestinians. Since 2007, Israel has essentially imposed a land, sea, and air siege on the Palestinian enclave.

An effective military organization known as Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran, claimed responsibility for firing guided rockets and artillery at three checkpoints in Shebaa Farms “in solidarity” with the Palestinian people. Lebanon claims Shebaa Farms, which Israel took during the 1967 Six-Day War.

The groups of the martyr commander Hajj Imad Moghniyeh in the Islamic Resistance carried out an Hamas attack this Sunday, October 08, 2023, targeting 3 Zionist occupation sites in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms region, Hezbollah said in a statement. The Hamas attack was carried out in solidarity with the victorious Palestinian resistance and the steadfast Palestinian people.

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